Friday, November 9, 2007

Rudder Repair


Rudder repaired with a steel strap I bought in Solomon's, although I still have some fiberglass work to do. Fortunately, the pre-drilled holes in the bar were exactly the correct spacing to fit with the existing hardware. One of my trusty weekend helmsman must have applied a great deal of force to the rudder, because let me tell you, the steel connecting bar was not easy to bend back into shape.

No wind yesterday, so I spent the day at anchor and even did a little kayaking and shore exploring. Also had a sponge bath. It was a lot easier than I anticipated, and I felt quite refreshed after. I'd post a picture of it, but I don't want to get banned from blogger. I think it's going to become standard operating procedure. So, if you visit me on the boat, I should be a lot less offensive, at least to your nose.