Friday, November 9, 2007


Left Deltaville early yesterday, but the winds died early too. I spent last night in a creek a few miles south. Deltaville was a really tiny creek and the shore was lined with marinas. There was really nowhere to anchor. If I was in a monohull, I'd have been out of luck. But I was able to find one of a couple spots along the shore that wasn't covered with piers, and backed into the shore so that I was just out of the channel.

In the morning I got some gas and washed my head under the water spigot on the fuel dock. Brrrr. Passed what are quite literally houseboats on the way out of the creek. That's the picture.


Grampa said...

Back from being out of touch for a week in ABQ. Glad to see you are surviving. Adventures are us should be your motto!