Saturday, February 2, 2008

Empty Pantry

It's been a week since I've been anywhere near a grocery store. I hopefully took my wallet ashore when I tied up at Barbour Island, GA. Unfortunately, there are no roads or stores on the island. Just a bunch of houses and a grass airstrip. Bill and Sandy, whose dock I was invited to tie up at, provided me with 30 amp electric, water and fresh citrus. I stayed there two nights while waiting for winds to calm. I'm presently on a two day passage off Georgia. I just woke from a three hour nap and am about to do some night sailing. Should kiss Florida by Super Bowl kickoff.


Amy said...

I hope you don't have to start gnawing at the fiberglass for sustenance. Did you already remember that I left some canned ravioli in the cupboard for you in Hilton Head?

NautiG said...

Ate it yesterday :(

Anonymous said...

Wow - 2 days offshore sailing while low on provisions. This is beginning to sound like one of those sailing stories from the 1400's where they started eating their shoe leather. . . but at least with all those oranges you won't be getting scurvy.

Seriouly though - I bet that you're gonna be one exhausted sailor by the time you're re-anchored. At least (based on your 'sea-cam') the conditions are agreeable.

BTW - you may have some success out there in the ocean dragging a line with a spinner. You may get lucky and pick up a Spanish Mackrel, Dolphin, etc.

NautiG said...

Ross, unfortunately busted my Walmart pole while trolling at too high speeds a few weeks ago. Last night in calm winds would have been ideal. I'll definitely pick up a tougher rig before I do another passage.

Safely tucked in off Fernandina Beach, FL. I'll post about the passage tomorrow.